Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 20-21

Hi there,

We won't have vocab this week, since we only have two school days.

Periods 2, and 5

Monday (class time)
(Period 2 only)  "The Gift of the Magi" movie 20 minutes
vocabulary quiz from last week's words

Period 5

Discuss "The Necklace"
Venn Diagram between "The Necklace" and "The Gift of the Magi"
review irony, inference, author's purpose
return all graded papers

Period 2 (Class time)
media center to get novel

Discuss "The Necklace"
Venn Diagram between "The Necklace" and "The Gift of the Magi"
review irony, inference, author's purpose
return all graded papers
Homework:  NONE (read over break)

Period 5

Media Center to select a novel to read over break

Homework:  NONE (read over break)

Periods 3, 4, and 7
I.R. book check and parent sigs
A Much Ado About Nothing

Homework:  60 second Shakespeare due


A Much Ado About Nothing
Homework:  I.R. due January 6




Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dec. 13 This week in language arts

Vocabulary Roots for the Week
December 13-17
Bio (Life), Cap (Take, Seize), Chron (Time)

Instructions for ALL

Draw a picture or find a clip art pic that illustrates the meaning of each of the three roots.  Then, for each individual word, create a vocabulary box.  (antonym, synonym, sentence, and definition, in your own words)
  1. Biography
  2. autobiography
  3. biology
  4. antibiotic
  5. capture
  6. captivate
  7. capacity
  8. chronological
  9. chronicle
  10. chronometer
  11. synchonize

Periods 2 and 5

We will continue our study of irony with a short story entitled, "The Necklace."  The author Guy Maupasant,  inspired O. Henry, the N.C. native who wrote last week's short story, "The Gift of the Magi."  Our new strategy this week is "inference."  What happens when you read between the lines?  What does the text say?  What do you say?  We'll also be diving into nonfiction texts.

Monday (class time)

We will listen to Aretha's R-E-S-P-E-C-T as a means to understanding how to make inference.

Introduce current events assignment.  Students are to find a current event that is based on a school related issue.  You must summarize your article, bring in a copy of it, analyze it by determining why the article was written, primary audience in which the article was intended to appeal to, respond to the article (what is your opinion and/or feeling about it- -you can agree or disagree with the original article or introduce a new point of view), and lastly, select the most powerful quote and/or passage from your article.  

Small group activity:  "Cheque by Ordeal" inference activity

Begin "The Necklace"

Homework:  Monday night

  1. Current Event due on Friday.  
  2. Bring in magazine ad or newspaper ad about a product. This activity requires you to analyze the inferences the producers expect us to make about the product they are trying to sell. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) that describes what we are supposed to infer from the ad(s).
  3. root words:  vocabulary boxes (Choose 5 words from the list to create vocabulary boxes for)
Tuesday (Class time):

  1. Finish "The Necklace" short story and discuss the text
  2. Refer to inferences
  3. Share homework (inference ads)
  4. go over vocabulary boxes (Thursday short quiz)
  1. Create a Venn Diagram comparing "The Necklace" to "The Gift of the Magi"
  2. root words vocabulary quiz Thursday
Wednesday (class time):
  1. Blue Diamond #5
  2. Share Venn Diagrams 
  3. Watch "The Gift of the Magi" video

  1. Write a paragraph explaining how the movie version of "The Gift of the Magi" is similar to and/or different from your expectations, based on your reading of the text. (5-7 sentences min.)
  2. vocabulary quiz on root words
  3. Grammar workbook tomorrow
Thursday (Class time):
  1. vocabulary quiz
  2. grammar day 
  3. "The Lady or the Tiger"
Homework:  Current event due tomorrow

Friday (Class time):
  1. finish "The Lady or the Tiger"  20 minutes
  2. Share current events in small-groups

Language Arts periods 3, 4, 7

Monday (Class time):

  1. Finish reading assigned Shakespeare play in small groups 
  2. Plan 60 second Shakespeare script
  3. Introduce Current event assignment (SOAPStone format)
  4. Root words for Thursday's quiz
  1. 60 second Shakespeare script
  2. root words vocab boxes due tomorrow (Choose 5 words to create vocab boxes for; illustrate each of the three roots)
  3. current event due Friday
  4. Independent Reading book due December 20. 
  5. Post on my new blog...Cross your fingers...I hope it works out like I hope.  Task:  How does Hero feel about Claudio and her dad during the time when she's quiet.  What lengths do Hero's friends go to in order to bring her comfort.  Why?  Provide some type of textual evidence to help prove your point. 

Tuesday (class time):
  1. 60 second Shakespeare
  2. go over vocab boxes
  3. Compare and Contrast your play to "Much Ado..."
  4. I.R. book due Dec. 20
  1. Venn Diagram
  2. Current Event
  3. Vocab quiz (Thursday)
  4. 60 second Shakespeare due Monday, December 20.
  5. I.R. book due Dec. 20
Wednesday (class time)
  1. Blue Diamond
  2. Short theme writing piece
  1. Finish your short theme writing piece (written in ink/black or blue) or typed
  2. vocab quiz tomorrow
  3. Current event due Friday
Thursday (class time):
  1. Share your short writing theme with a partner from your 60 second group
  2. respond to your partner's writing
  3. Quiz on vocab
  1. "Much Ado" permission form due
  2. Current event (SOAPstone)
Friday (Class time)
  1. Current event sharing
  2. Movie
Homework:  I.R. book and parent sigs

We will begin reading The Hobbit when we return in January, after the Winter break.

7th Period "A Much Ado About Nothing"

4th Period "Much Ado About Nothing"

3rd "A Much Ado About Nothing" Posting