Welcome back! I hope you are ready to finish 2011 on a strong note. I hope you had a wonderful holiday break with your family and friends. We have 3 school weeks before we break again. Sprint to the finish line.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Greene
Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7
We will begin Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" next Monday. Make sure you're reading your memoir. The I.R. product for your memoir is due 12/15. You should be reading each night for at least 30 minutes in each text. Please don't get the No Fear Shakespeare version of the play. If you already have that version of the text, then I will allow you to borrow a copy of my play while in class. It is important that you get an authentic experience with the text. I will help you through difficult passages.
Class time:
Check independent reading, memoirs
Finish The Village
3 way Venn Diagram (if time allows)
Compare movie to the texts using the following critical lens: “Eager souls, mystics and revolutionaries, may propose to refashion the world in accordance with their dreams; but evil remains, and so long as it lurks in the secret places of the heart, utopia is only the shadow of a dream.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hw: finish 3 way Venn Diagram; read I.R. memoirs; Get “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Class time:
Discussion question: What is the worst thing that you’ve done that you knew was wrong? Judge the characters in the movie and book. Do you think they had shame for their actions? Regrets?
“The History of Chocolate” framework (open-ended questions)
Discuss critical lens comparison
Discuss movie and novels
Hw: finish counterargument assignment
Class time:
Counterargument continued
Finally- -persuasive writing assigned- -due Monday.
1. Are good grades worth the effort?
2. Should teens be a certain age to date?
3. Should executions be televised?
4. Should The Pledge of Allegiance be recited in public schools?
5. Should Ligon bring back activity time?
Choose 1 for your persuasive paper.
1. Are good grades worth the effort?
2. Should teens be a certain age to date?
3. Should executions be televised?
4. Should The Pledge of Allegiance be recited in public schools?
5. Should Ligon bring back activity time?
Choose 1 for your persuasive paper.
Hw: Ad advertisement due tomorrow (Come up with a product or a service. Then, create a one page visually appealing advertisement for that product- -simple and visually appealing with limited wording. On a separate sheet, write 3 reasons why the product should be purchased and/or used. Write a counterargument for each point that supports why your product should be purchased and/or used); I.R. memoirs; persuasive writing due Monday
Class time:
McDonald's PPT
McDonald's PPT
“Chief Seattle” framework 2
Hw: I.R. reading; persuasive writing due Monday; get Shakespeare’s play
Introduce Shakespeare
Hw: Get “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”; persuasive writing due Monday; I.R. due 12/15
Period 5
We will begin Shakespeare on Friday. The text is tough, but I will help you work your way through it successfully. It is important that I get your complete cooperation during class, so time is used wisely and efficiently. Finish FBF by December 5.
Media Center to finish Prezi
Hw: Read FBF (Forged by Fire)
Class Time:
Bias defined with synonyms and antonyms
Fact and opinion
Sports report (2 teams’ views)
Identify words of bias in the articles and highlight them. Look at the following examples: which sentence shows a more positive outlook? Negative one? What would be a neutral way to report the stats of the event?
More than 900 people attended the event.
Fewer than 1,000 people showed up at the event
Fewer than 1,000 people showed up at the event
Hw: Read in FBF; Bring in an article that is biased and share for extra credit.
McDonald’s PPT
Read biased editorial on juvenile crime and discuss aloud
Discuss Persuasive writing techniques for quiz (emotional factors; propaganda)
Complete propaganda handout
TV survey (together) 10 minutes
“The Trouble with T.V.”
Hw: Write a letter to author of the article discussing your own thoughts about the major points covered in the article, or write a letter to the author about a more important problem that you’d like to see fixed because t.v. as you see it, isn’t an important problem.
Framework #1 (“the History of Chocolate)
-discuss tone and style in “trouble with T.V.”
-“the Trouble with T.v.” counterargument handout
Hw: Read in FBF; finish with counterargument handout
-go over Framework #1
-FBF reading quiz
-share Prezis
-Introduce Shakespeare
Hw: Finish novel