Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19-21

Have a wonderful holiday season. 
Periods 2, 4, 6 and 7
We will begin "Othello" in January.  Please get a copy of it over the break.  We will begin reading it around January 17.
Sonnets-14 lined, rhymed poems “love song” or “love sound”
Take notes on sonnets
Put together a cut up sonnet in groups
Look at structure of sonnets (1st-3rd quatrains and couplets)
Hw:  Act 3
Reading quiz on Act 3
View corresponding movie clip
Shakespearean insults
Hw:  none
Continue with insults
Extra credit- Explicate a sonnet of choice; memorize the sonnet and sign up for a January date to recite.  Bonus points if you add costuming to your recitation.
Hw:  rough draft for your own sonnet is due January 4.

Period 5
Reading quiz Act I of “AMSND”
Soliloquy versus monologue
Hw:  Act I study guide questions due tomorrow
Soliloquy versus monologues
Shakespearean insults
Hw:  none
Shakespearean insults continued
Begin Act 2
Hw:  none

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5-December 9

Attention All classes- Please bring in items to put into our prop box.  We will spend class time acting out scenes and delivering lines from the play.  Elizabethans didn’t focus a lot on scenery in their plays.  Their focus was mainly on dialogue and attire.  Please bring in old dresses, wigs, and other props to include in our box, so we can bring alive Shakespeare’s words.  The majority of the reading will be done in class, until you get used to the language. 
Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7
Class Time:
Our next play will be "Othello", and we will begin reading it in January.
Collect Persuasive Essays
Find someone who:
Book fair
First 15 minutes of movie (if time allows)
brief Play Synopsis
Begin Act I scene i
Hw:  Memoir work 12/16; work on play questions (if we started reading today!)

Class Time:
Background notes quiz

Shakespeare's works have attracted worshipers and conspiracists:  read

nonficiton Shakespeare article that relates to this point:

Finish scene I, Act I
Shakespeare Fraud or Read reading
Hw:  finish play questions; memoirs

Class Time:
Shakespearean language
Begin Act I scene ii
Hw:  play questions; memoirs

Class Time:

Who's Who Graphic organizer
Shakespeare language continued
Lovers’ diagram
Introduce Soliloquy (Helen's soliloquy at the end of the play)

Finish Act I (scenes 1 and 2) by Friday

Class Time:
Discuss Text

Still scenes from the play (Act I only)
Hw:  memoir; study guide play questions

Period 5
Book Fair
Monday-Shakespeare intro PPT
Hw:  bring in FBF

Movie form due Thursday
Begin looking at Shakespeare language
Find someone who…
Background on The Bard
Hw:  read Shakespeare background handout

Begin Act I
Hw:  Shakespeare work

In class reading of Act I scene 1
Watch opening scene of movie

 Friday-Shakespeare background notes quiz