Hi there,
I hope you are having a wonderful MLK, Jr. day. Have a blessed week!
Work will be assigned most night this week. We will have some EOG like assessments this week for practice. Thursdays are our Power Hour day when students receive opportunities for enrichment in various subjects, remediation in areas where extra help is needed, or they are able to make up assignments from absences.
Parents: Please note that the assignments below are a tentative list of assignments. It is probable that we will not get to study all of the things below. It is important to make sure you are checking your student's agenda nightly, so you have the most updated information to work with. :-)
Mrs. Greene
Period 5
Monday-NO SCHOOL. Happy MLK, Jr. Day!!
This week's vocabulary-(pre-assessment on Monday; quiz on Friday)
-vocabulary pre-assessment
-audience, author's purpose
Compare "The Storyteller" to "The Witch" with a partner
-in the middle, write what is similar. On the outside, write what the authors do to change the similar elements.
For example, both stories contain a male storyteller, but they are very different in how they are portrayed. Describe those differences on either side under the columns with the respective titles.
situational irony
Why is it ironic that the children in both stories favored the anti-happy ending stories?
Hw: Finish Venn Diagram; vocabulary boxes due Wednesday
-Spelling Bee
-EOGlike assessment
-Go over Venn Diagram
-What made "The Storyteller" a good story? What made "The Witch" a good story?
-indirect characterization: examples
(Now, indirectly characterize the two storytellers (males) in the two texts. Find two quotes from the text to support your views.)
-AMSN continued
-Review vocabulary
-"The Medicine Bag" and study guide questions
-Protagonist (Tough choices made in the text are...)
HW-STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS for "the Medicine Bag"
-go over "The Medicine Bag"
-Vocabulary assessment
Periods 2, 4, 6 and 7
Please get a copy of Shakespeare's Othello by 1-30-2012. Homework will not be given each night this week.
Monday Happy MLK, Jr. Day
"Let Freedom Ring"
“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” - C.S. Lewis
What are some of your fav. fairy tales? How did you first become exposed to fairy tales? Storytelling?
Do you think literature reflects the era in which it is told?
Anti-fairy tale Unit
Think Shrek
What are the common elements of fairy tales?
Poem “Anti-fairy tale”
“The Witch” by Shirley Jackson (What is the main idea?
This story doesn't necessarily have just one, so you'll have to back up your opinion with (you guessed it!) evidence from the text.
“The Storyteller” by Saki
Characteristics of fairytales
Irony and satire
tone, characterization, mood
Hw: Venn Diagram-comparing “The Storyteller” to “The Witch,” if we finish both in class. Get a copy of Othello. main idea of "The Witch" in a paragraph
-Spelling Bee
-Define fairy tale, and why do you think they're still around today?
-EOGlike assessment
Shrek-Is this an example of an anti-fairy tale?
Problem-Solution intro
Main idea; inferences; point of view
Hw: Venn Diagram if not assigned last night
Problem-solution continued
literary criticism theory (Rewrite your group's fairy tale by modernizing it and using your group's assigned literary criticism. You will create a skit and a visual to share on Tuesday.)
Fairy-tale teaching group (what are the important pts of the story?)
expose and reject stereotypes and common assumptions.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Hw: Individually, write a poem (4 stanzas, 6 lines each stanza-creative title) that tells the story of your assigned fairy tale. Illustrate it. Include simile, metaphor,
onomatopoeia,tone, mood, imagery- -See The example below, an excerpt by Road Dahl from Revolting Rhymes
EXAMPLE 1 Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
As soon as Wolf began to feel
That he would like a decent meal,
He went and knocked on Grandma's door.
When Grandma opened it, she saw
The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
And Wolfie said, ``May I come in?''
Poor Grandmamma was terrified,
``He's going to eat me up!'' she cried.
Friday Fairy-tale groups work
Hw: get the play; Rewrite a fairy tale of choice as a news story. Use the traditional news article characteristics. Make it look authentic and illustrate. Example below: don’t use this fairy tale: A Mr. B.B. Wolf was take into custody for questioning today after he was accused of two counts of blowing down houses and one accusation of allegedly entering a home unlawfully. At the time of his arrest, he was wet because he allegedly fell into a pot of hot, boiling water. He tried to climb down the chimney of a Mr. Pig III. Etc. You must include a field reporter: "I'm here at the scene of the second incident. As you can see, there are sticks everywhere. The occupant escaped unharmed…" Etc . You must also include a witness account. Due Tuesday. Typed.
Read-Abridged version of King Lear