Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 21-24 Friday is Vacation Day!

Monday (periods 3, 4, and 7)
1.       Extended metaphors are due
2.       Author’s style
3.       “Beat, Beat Drums!” by Walt Whitman
4.       Evaluating style

Hw:  I.R. 3/29 and Civil War letter due Wednesday

(periods 2 and 5)
1.       Author’s style:  What is unique about Sharon Draper’s writing style?  How does her style compare to The Glory Field’s author?  What is different about the sentence structure?
2.       Look at song lyrics of various types of music to compare style.  What is unique about rap?  Country?  Heavy metal? 
3.       Begin the next story during Jim Crow laws era.  What do you know about this era?

Hw:  Bring in a clean (PG rated) copy of your favorite song lyrics.  Write chapter summary guides for chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10  (reading quiz on FBF tomorrow)

(periods 3, 4, and 7)
Tuesday and Wednesday
1.       Look at President Lincoln’s second inaugural speech and discuss style
2.       Compare and contrast Ambrose Bierce’s style to Walt Whitman in groups
3.       Distribute two pieces and have students identify the writer as either Ambrose Bierce or Walt Whitman based on each author’s style of writing
4.       Leading questions:  Why is this an example of X’s writing?  How do you know this? What specifically suggested that?
      We’ll look at:  style: diction, syntax, tone, imagery, language (What does each author do that’s unique)  How does style establish tone, mood, setting

Hw:  I.R.  and Civil war letter (due Wednesday); Respond to the following in a couple of paragraphs:  Are Americans more angry today?

(periods 2 and 5)
1.       Review style
2.       Reading quiz (10 questions, opened book)
3.       Compare song lyrics, after sharing some aloud.
4.       Work with a partner.  What’s unique about the songs?  Genre?

Hw:  Read in your I.R. book (chapters 13-15 due Thursday);

Wednesday (periods 3, 4, and 7)
1.       Finishing what we didn’t finish on Tuesday
2.       Partner activity:  students will take out last night’s freewrite, so a classmate can do a style analysis on it. 
3.       Exchange Civil war letters

Hw:  Final letter due on Monday; Respond to your classmate’s piece of writing.  What type of writer is he/she?  How do you know this?  What specifically suggested this?  Is there anything unique about the vocabulary used?  Tone?  Figurative language used? 

(periods 2 and 5)

1.        Jim Crow laws
2.       Read in TGF

3.       Hw:  Read in your I.R. book

Thursday (periods 3, 4, and 7)
1.       Making inferences
2.       Hand in response to classmate’s writing.  We’ll reveal the owners, after students have had a chance to share their responses
3.       Blue Diamond #7
4.       25 word story rubric.  Assignment due Monday with Rubric

Hw:  25 word story with rubric.  Bring on Monday, so we can share.

(periods 2 and 5)
1.        Making inferences
2.       Blue Diamond #7
3.       Graphic organizer for 25 word stories already developed.

Hw:  Read in your I.R. book

(periods 3, 4, and 7)
Friday:  Vacation Day! (next week we will begin research on Jim Crow laws in America and anti-semitism in Europe)

(periods 2 and 5)
Vacation Day!

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