5th period
Class Time:
Revise a poem that you wrote with Mr. Beadle last week. Create a one-pager that includes the poem and illustrations that dominate the poem’s meaning.
Hw: finish poem revision. Bring to class tomorrow for a grade.
Civil War Poem “O Captain! My Captain!”
Extended metaphor practice
Hw: extended metaphor with “O Captain! My Captain!” and Biographical sketch due tomorrow
Personal Extended Metaphor
Lab to finish Biographical sketches, which are due at the end of class.
Civil War readings “The Drummer Boy of Shiloh”
Lab to finish Biographical sketches, which are due at the end of class.
Civil War readings “The Drummer Boy of Shiloh”
Hw: none; be here by 6 am. We’re leaving at 6:30 sharp; no kidding!
8th grade field trip
No class
Pantoum Poetry
Share letter 3
Get letter 4 assignment
Hw: Pantoum with illustrations due tomorrow
Share Pantoums
Civil War readings excerpt from Frederick Douglass: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American...continued
Wrap up Civil War unit
Hw: What shackles did Douglass wear in his lifetime?
Share letters
Plan binding of letters
Discuss field trip expectations
Civil War readings continued (discuss Frederick Douglass text)
Hw: field trip. Be here by 6 am. We’re leaving at 6:30 sharp; no kidding!!
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