Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22-27

September 22
Periods 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8
Class Time:
1.     Thesis statement
2.    Vocabulary quiz on root words
3.    Venn Diagram for Gilligan’s Island
Hw:  Finish Thesis statement handout and Read

5th Period
Class Time:
1.Venn Diagram
2.  Clauses
Hw:  read library book

Periods 1, 4, 6, 7, and8
Class time:
1.     Collect/Share Hw
2.    Go over literary Elements Fill-in-the-blank notes
3.    “Charles”
4.    Tone
5.    Hw:  Break up letter and I.R. reading/project

Period 5
1.     Go over literary elements notes
2.    “Charles” audio
3.    Tone
4.    Break up letter
5.    Hw:  Finish Break up letter

Periods 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8
Class time:
1.     Share Break up letter “tone”
2.    Finish “Charles”
3.    Literary elements
4.    Clauses

Period 5
Class Time:
1.     Collect/share break up letters “tone”
2.    Finish “Charles”
3.    Literary Elements
4.    “Cheques by Ordeal” making inferences
5.    Clauses
6.    Hw:  Read

Periods 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8
1.     Making Inferences
2.    “Charles” quiz
3.    Hw:  Read I.R. Book for project due Tuesday

Period 5
Class Time:
1.     “Charles” quiz
2.    Making inferences
3.    Hw:  read library book

All Classes:
Library Day!!

Revisit Personal Narrative from last week!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15-19

Friday is picture day.  Pictures will be taken during English.  Students have to wear their school uniform; it is not a free dress day.

1.        go over roots and check parent signatures of I.R. sci-fi book
2.       Personal Narrative Essay-decisions, decisions (finish for Hw)

3.    Finish reading "TMDG"
4.       Hw:  "TMDG" ending due Wednesday.  Personal Narrative due tomorrow

Period 5
1.    What is a thesis statement?
2.    Personal Narrative Essay-decisions, decisions
3.    Go over new root
4.    Hw:  Finish Personal Narrative due tomorrow

1.        Collect essays
TThesis statements introducted
2.       “The Most Dangerous Game”
3.       Class Discussion
4.       “TMDG” Body Metaphor Groups
5.       Hw:  Write an ending to “TMDG due tomorrow,” Study Roots, and I.R.(due Sept 30)  Finish Thesis statement 

Period 5
1.        Collect essay (personal narrative)
2.       Finish “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” 
3.       Class discussion
4.       “RTT” one-pager
5.       Hw:  Write an ending to “RTT,” study new root for Friday quiz, and read for Independent Reading project

1.       Collect story ending
2.       Reading quiz “TMDG”
3.       Body Metaphor Groups
4.       Bloom’s questions for “TMDG”
5.       Hw:  Diagram the plot of  your personal narrative, Study roots and work on I.R.

Period 5
1.        Collect Story end to “RTT”
2.       Crossword Puzzle for new root
3.       One-Pager for “RTT”
4.       Hw:  Diagram the plot of "RTT," study root and read

1.        Body Metaphor Group PROJECT due Friday
Diagram the plot of "TMDG" in class
Hw:  study roots

Period 5
1.        One-Pager for “RTT”
2.       Reading quiz for short story
BioPoem-Due Friday
3.       Review roots for tomorrow’s quiz
4.       Hw:  study

1.        Roots Quiz
2.       Share Body Metaphors
R"TMDG" short movie/Venn Diagram
3.       Hw:  I.R. due September 30

Period 5 (PICTURE DAY)
1.        Root Quiz
2.       Share one pager for “RTT”/ Movie-cartoon and Venn Diagram
3.       Read silently in I.R. (independent reading book)

4.       Hw:  none

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 8-12

Hi All,
This will be a busy week, so plan accordingly!

Periods 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8

Class Time:
1.    Distribute root lists (6 roots in total)
2.   Introduce Personal Narrative using PPT; students will take Cornell notes
3.   Finish fill-in-the-blank-notes
4.   DGP
5.   Hw:  Root List

Class Time:
1.    Assign Root word poster-due Friday
2.   Assign Personal narrative
3.   File “Letter of Intro” in writing folder
4.   Irony, Foreshadow, Ironic song
5.   “The Most Dangerous Game”
Hw:  Parent signatures for I.R. due Monday, September 15, Root List (Due tomorrow 9-10)

Class Time:
1.    Check Root list Hw
Thesis statement
2.   Cont’d Personal narrative
3.   “The Most Dangerous Game” Diagram the Plot
4.   DGP
5.   Hw:  Diagram plot of “The Most Dangerous Gamer”

1.    Discussion of “The Most Dangerous Game”
2.   Discussion Questions
3.   Cont’d Personal Narrative
4.   DGP
5.   Hw:  Poster

1.    Share posters
2.   Watch episode of “Gilligan’s Island” and compare to short story, “The Most Dangerous Game”
3.   Hw:  review root lists (quiz Monday!)

5th Period

1.    Distribute root word:  Mal-bad, evil
2.    Introduce Personal narrative with Cornell Notes
3.   Fill-in-the-blank-notes for literary elements
Hw:  Find 5 other words that contain the root, “Mal”

1.    Personal narrative cont’d
2.   DGP
3.   “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” short story
4.   Hw:  find 5 words associated with the root “Mal”

1.    Check HW
2.   Finish “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”
3.   Finish Personal Narrative
4.   Hw:  none

1.    Discuss “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”
2.   Bloom’s Discussion Question and story map
3.   Plot Diagram
4.   Hw:  none

1.    Quiz on short story “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”
2.   Watch quick cartoon version of short story

3.   Create a Venn Diagram

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2-5

“The Dinner Party” by Mona Gardner
DGP (daily grammar practice)
Discussed stereotypes
Hw:  Diagram the plot

Class time: 
-Quiz over parent letter home
-Check plot diagram FOR periods (4-8)
-DGP (daily grammar practice)
-“The Dinner Party” handout
Hw:  1.  Complete a close reading of the article by annotating it.
2.  Write a response to the article on gender after you have found research that supports your position on the topic you've chose to agree with or disagree with. (Due Friday)

Class Time:
-Finish elements of fiction handout
-Collect Hw
-Daily Grammar Practice (DGP)
-send home contracts to be signed
Hw:  See above

-Quiz on “The Dinner Party”
-Write a letter from another character's point of view (POV)
-Introduce Irony
-Go over HW
Hw:  none