Thursday, August 28, 2014

First week of school


Class time:  Discuss Friendly letters.  Students will write a warm-up response, which should be kept in the warm-up/vocabulary section of their notebooks.  Students will write me a friendly letter from the point of view of their sixth grade teacher.  A rubric has been distributed and needs to be returned with the final product (letter).

Hw:  Due (Tuesday)1.  Friendly letter, notebook organized, quiz over parent letter home, and the bottom portion of the parent letter home


Class time:  Students will respond to questions about plot for warm-up #2
-Students will begin completing fill-in-the-blank notes on plot
-Begin reading  short story, “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" as we analyze plot sequence and other elements of fiction
Hw:  See above (All due Tuesday)

Have a great long weekend!

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