Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19-21

Have a wonderful holiday season. 
Periods 2, 4, 6 and 7
We will begin "Othello" in January.  Please get a copy of it over the break.  We will begin reading it around January 17.
Sonnets-14 lined, rhymed poems “love song” or “love sound”
Take notes on sonnets
Put together a cut up sonnet in groups
Look at structure of sonnets (1st-3rd quatrains and couplets)
Hw:  Act 3
Reading quiz on Act 3
View corresponding movie clip
Shakespearean insults
Hw:  none
Continue with insults
Extra credit- Explicate a sonnet of choice; memorize the sonnet and sign up for a January date to recite.  Bonus points if you add costuming to your recitation.
Hw:  rough draft for your own sonnet is due January 4.

Period 5
Reading quiz Act I of “AMSND”
Soliloquy versus monologue
Hw:  Act I study guide questions due tomorrow
Soliloquy versus monologues
Shakespearean insults
Hw:  none
Shakespearean insults continued
Begin Act 2
Hw:  none

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5-December 9

Attention All classes- Please bring in items to put into our prop box.  We will spend class time acting out scenes and delivering lines from the play.  Elizabethans didn’t focus a lot on scenery in their plays.  Their focus was mainly on dialogue and attire.  Please bring in old dresses, wigs, and other props to include in our box, so we can bring alive Shakespeare’s words.  The majority of the reading will be done in class, until you get used to the language. 
Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7
Class Time:
Our next play will be "Othello", and we will begin reading it in January.
Collect Persuasive Essays
Find someone who:
Book fair
First 15 minutes of movie (if time allows)
brief Play Synopsis
Begin Act I scene i
Hw:  Memoir work 12/16; work on play questions (if we started reading today!)

Class Time:
Background notes quiz

Shakespeare's works have attracted worshipers and conspiracists:  read

nonficiton Shakespeare article that relates to this point:

Finish scene I, Act I
Shakespeare Fraud or Read reading
Hw:  finish play questions; memoirs

Class Time:
Shakespearean language
Begin Act I scene ii
Hw:  play questions; memoirs

Class Time:

Who's Who Graphic organizer
Shakespeare language continued
Lovers’ diagram
Introduce Soliloquy (Helen's soliloquy at the end of the play)

Finish Act I (scenes 1 and 2) by Friday

Class Time:
Discuss Text

Still scenes from the play (Act I only)
Hw:  memoir; study guide play questions

Period 5
Book Fair
Monday-Shakespeare intro PPT
Hw:  bring in FBF

Movie form due Thursday
Begin looking at Shakespeare language
Find someone who…
Background on The Bard
Hw:  read Shakespeare background handout

Begin Act I
Hw:  Shakespeare work

In class reading of Act I scene 1
Watch opening scene of movie

 Friday-Shakespeare background notes quiz

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 28-December 2

Welcome back!  I hope you are ready to finish 2011 on a strong note.  I hope you had a wonderful holiday break with your family and friends.  We have 3 school weeks before we break again.  Sprint to the finish line.

Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Greene
Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7

We will begin Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" next Monday.  Make sure you're reading your memoir.  The I.R. product for your memoir is due 12/15.  You should be reading each night for at least 30 minutes in each text.  Please don't get the No Fear Shakespeare version of the play.  If you already have that version of the text, then I will allow you to borrow a copy of my play while in class.  It is important that you get an authentic experience with the text.  I will help you through difficult passages.


Class time: 
Check independent reading, memoirs
Finish The Village
3 way Venn Diagram (if time allows)
Compare movie to the texts using the following critical lens:  “Eager souls, mystics and revolutionaries, may propose to refashion the world in accordance with their dreams; but evil remains, and so long as it lurks in the secret places of the heart, utopia is only the shadow of a dream.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hw:  finish 3 way Venn Diagram; read I.R. memoirs; Get “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Class time:
Discussion question:  What is the worst thing that you’ve done that you knew was wrong?  Judge the characters in the movie and book.  Do you think they had shame for their actions?  Regrets?
“The History of Chocolate” framework (open-ended questions)
Discuss critical lens comparison
Discuss movie and novels

Hw:  finish counterargument assignment


Class time:
Counterargument continued
Finally- -persuasive writing assigned- -due Monday.
1.  Are good grades worth the effort?
2.  Should teens be a certain age to date?
3.  Should executions be televised?
4.  Should The Pledge of Allegiance be recited in public schools?
5.  Should Ligon bring back activity time?
Choose 1 for your persuasive paper.

Hw:   Ad advertisement due tomorrow (Come up with a product or a service.  Then, create a one page visually appealing advertisement for that product- -simple and visually appealing with limited wording.  On a separate sheet, write 3 reasons why the product should be purchased and/or used.  Write a counterargument for each point that supports why your product should be purchased and/or used);  I.R. memoirs; persuasive writing due Monday

Class time:
McDonald's PPT
“Chief Seattle” framework 2

Hw:  I.R. reading; persuasive writing due Monday; get Shakespeare’s play

Introduce Shakespeare

Hw:  Get “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”; persuasive writing due Monday; I.R. due 12/15

Period 5

We will begin Shakespeare on Friday.  The text is tough, but I will help you work your way through it successfully.  It is important that I get your complete cooperation during class, so time is used wisely and efficiently.  Finish FBF by December 5.
Media Center to finish Prezi

Hw:  Read FBF (Forged by Fire)


Class Time:
Bias defined with synonyms and antonyms
Fact and opinion
Sports report (2 teams’ views)
Identify words of bias in the articles and highlight them.  Look at the following examples:  which sentence shows a more positive outlook?  Negative one?  What would be a neutral way to report the stats of the event?
More than 900 people attended the event.
Fewer than 1,000 people showed up at the event

Hw:  Read in FBF; Bring in an article that is biased and share for extra credit.


McDonald’s PPT
Read biased editorial on juvenile crime and discuss aloud
Discuss Persuasive writing techniques for quiz (emotional factors; propaganda) 
Complete propaganda handout
TV survey (together) 10 minutes
“The Trouble with T.V.”

Hw:  Write a letter to author of the article discussing your own thoughts about the major points covered in the article, or write  a letter to the author about a more important problem that you’d like to see fixed because t.v. as you see it, isn’t an important problem.

Framework #1 (“the History of Chocolate)
-discuss tone and style in “trouble with T.V.”
-“the Trouble with T.v.” counterargument handout

Hw:  Read in FBF; finish with counterargument handout

-go over Framework #1
-FBF reading quiz
-share Prezis
-Introduce Shakespeare

Hw:  Finish novel

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21-22

This week is short because of Thanksgiving.  I hope you will have a blessed holiday.  Please take time out to share all the things that you're thankful for this year. 

Periods 2, 4, 6 and 7


The Village


The Village
Hw:  Get "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Period 5

Persuasive/Argumentative Prezi

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 14-18. Have a blessed week!

UTOPIAN Group Project
(4 minute limit to presentations)
Utopias are pictures of an ideal world that attempt to point out the failings in our own flawed society.  (Due November 21)
Directions:  Explore a historical utopia that fits into your assigned time period.  Investigate your group’s attempt to institutionalize or practice utopian ideals on Earth. 

Pretend that you are trying to actively recruit potential individuals to move to your community to help revive your group and/or continue your current practices.  Condense the following items into major at least 6 major categories (i.e. mission, pros and cons, background/history, etc.) under which you’ll put the information that relates to your utopia.  Divide the following items amongst group members as evenly as possible. Create a persuasive advertisement (Brochure, PPT, prezi, Storybird, large poster, etc.) that includes responses to the following:
A)   What relationship exists between the fictional account of the utopia in The Giver
and the actual utopian community that you researched?
B)   What is the name of your group?  What is the significance of your group’s name?
C)   Where is the main location for your group members?  Are you/were you worldwide?  Confined to a certain area?
D)  What was/is the social structure in your researched community?
E)   What was/is the mission/goal of your researched community?
F)    If your group failed in the past, then own the pitfalls, and explain to potentials how you intend to avoid similar pitfalls in the future in order to make a successful community.  If your group is successful, then explain why.  If your group is nonexistence currently because it is still in the planning stage, then how do you know that you will be successful?
G)  What is your group’s motto or slogan?
H)  What is it about your group that qualifies it to be fit to be called a utopia?  How has your group achieved perfection?
I)      What are the pros and cons to living in your researched utopia?
J)      What is the economic makeup of your community?  How do you support yourselves?
K)  What would a typical day in your community look like?

Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7

We will begin studying Shakespeare on December 5.  We will start with “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”  Please check Ligon’s library first for a copy of the text and bring it to class with you on Monday, December 5.

Items to include inside the paper:  Eulogize a character
A)  Birth dates; death dates (if dead)
B)   Age; Education
C)   Living relatives of the home
D) Celebration of his/her life
E)  Remember at least one fond memory that you had with the deceased person
F)   Favorites (hobbies, colors, etc.)
G) A poem (usually at a funeral, the poem laments the deceased person)
H) Pictures from the person’s life
I)      Free choice/you choose another item to include.

We will continue focusing on nonfiction texts in conjunction with our fiction pieces. 

Guest Teacher in class
Hw:  Finish The Giver; mini-project due tomorrow; one pager; movie form due Thursday

Collect homework (one pager; mini-project)
Read Lois Lowry’s acceptance speech
Utopian handout
Group work

Hw:  do your portion of the utopian project (Final group assignment due Monday November 21)

Class time:
Eulogize a character in The Giver (Gabe or Jonas) due Friday
3 Column notes (groups work together)
Group work  utopian community brochure (1/2 period)
"The problem with American audiences is they always want a tragedy with a happy ending."  Is this true?
Angel at the Fence:  The True Story of a Love that Survived, cancelled by publisher
Read some short memoirs in class
Select a memoir of your choice to read independently for I.R. due December 16 (have memoir book by 11/28- -parent approval required)
What does truth mean in creative non-fiction texts?
What obligation does the memoirist have to the truth?
What exactly is the truth when filtered through memory?
What exactly is the truth when filtered through POV and time?  Are there different kinds of truth..."truthiness?”
 Elie Wiesel has also been accused of "changing the truth" in his memoir Night....but does that make his memoir less credible?
-A man whose memoir about his experience during the Holocaust was to have been published in February has admitted that his story was embellished, (NYTimes Dec.2008)
Some popular YA suggestions for memoirs  (Admittedly, I haven't read them all.  So, please make sure you get a parent's approval if your are interested in reading one of the suggestions below):
 American Born Chinese
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian
Last Lecture
Hw:  movie form; group utopian brochure due Monday; character eulogy;  
Collect homework (movie form)
Memoir continued
Neighborhood “walk-though”
 "walk" through your childhood neighborhood labeling who and what of each spot
Brainstorm a list of "Stories" from your past, getting to a "One time. . ."
Select some stories for memoir writing; you will write a series of 1-page narratives from your neighborhood list.
Hw:  1 page (double-spaced narrative) due Monday

Eulogy due
Group work (1/2 period)
“I have a Dream” speech:  is it a dream for a utopian community?
Hw:  double-spaced narrative due Monday

Looking ahead to next week...

Essay in a day assigned due 11/28
logos, ethos, and pathos
Option 1 Write a persuasive “essay” to the language arts department about why or why not The Giver belongs in the 8th grade rather than 5th grade, where most of you first encountered it.   Option 2:  Write a persuasive "essay" about why someone would or would not want to live in the type of community depicted in the novel.  Option 3:  Write an "essay" that convinces/persuades the reader of your paper (me!) to believe that Lois Lowry was trying to satirize (point out) some aspect of American culture and/or society through her novel.  Option 4:  Persuade your audience to believe (or not) that Jonas could have live happily ever after in the community in the novel. 
Share brochures for utopian communities
The Village

Tuesday, November 22
The Village

Period 5

We will begin Forged by Fire this week, the second book in Sharon Draper's Hazelwood High trilogy.   Please remember it is very important to keep up with your assigned readings because reading quizzes will be given periodically.  We will continue to look at nonfiction texts this week, focusing on persuasive writing.  You will look at eulogies this week and will be required eulogize Andy from Tears of a Tiger.

Class Time:
Finish reading Elizabeth Stanton’s address at first women’s rights convention
Answer the questions that go with it
Hw:  finish questions


Write a eulogy for Andy
Persuasive analysis of advertisements
1. What is the ad trying to persuade the audience to buy, do, or believe? Describe it in detail in complete sentences.
2. What are the benefits? (What need does it fulfill?)
3. IMPORTANT! Who is the audience? How do you know?
4. What evidence is there of the claim?
5. What “loaded” words or language are there? What claims are questionable? What are the logical fallacies?
6. What do the images mean?
7. Identify any bias or stereotypes.
Hw:  Finish Andy’s Eulogy -neatly typed or handwritten (due Thursday)
3- column notes for TOAT
Persuasive Essay in a day
1. Write a persuasive essay saying whether or not everyone in the
family should help with chores around the house.
2. Write a persuasive essay explaining which is better—elementary
school or junior high school.
3. Write a persuasive essay saying whether or not Physical Education
should be required.
4. Choose one class from the list below and write a persuasive essay
saying whether or not the course should be required.
• Art
• Computers
• Music (which can include chorus or band)
5. Write a persuasive essay saying whether or not dances should be
provided by the school.
6. Pick one class from the list below and write a persuasive essay
saying whether or not the class should be offered at your school.
• Foreign language
• Photography
• Wood shop
• Fitness class
• Self-defense
• Bowling
• Movie appreciation
7. Write a persuasive essay saying whether or not television was a good
8. Write a persuasive essay saying whether or not teenagers should
have a computer of their own in their bedroom.
9. Write a persuasive essay saying whether or not teenagers should
have a television of their own in their bedroom.
10. Write a persuasive essay saying whether or not helmets should be
required for skateboarders, rollerbladers, and bikers.
Hw:  Begin Reading Forged by Fire
Continue Essay in a day
Hw:  Finish Essay in a day
“The Trouble with T.V.” (textbook)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Short Week! November 7-10 Have a Blessed Week!

Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7
1.     Primary and secondary sources PPT
2.    Revisit Satire
3.  What is a Persuasive Essay (persuasion) 
What techniques would you use to persuade your friends, parents, teachers, grandparents,
4.     “A Modest Proposal”
5.    Horatian  (Includes a tinge more humor)  vs. Juvenalian Satire  (touches deep nerves in the reader, playing on majoring emotions- -if there is humor is dark or black humor or irony)
6.    Pop culture:  Rap, Hip Hop use satire
Hw:  Finish The Giver by Tuesday, November 15.; Past, Present, and Future utopia (Thursday)

1.       Continue “A Modest Proposal
2.       What persuasive elements are used by the author?
3.       Tone, voice, diction
4.       Background on “A Modest Proposal” and questions
5.        Primary and secondary sources checkup
Hw:  Finish Swift assignment due Wed.; Utopia research Thursday


1.      Satirical Persuasive Essay (Select a social issue that needs addressing, but you have to approach it in such a way that the solution, like Swift, is irrational and out there.
2.  Eugenics in N.C.  (SOAPSTONE)
HW:  SOAPSTONE; Utopia research; finish novel; I.R. assignmnet 11/15

1.Persuasive Essay due Tuesday (draft)
2.  Utopia groups formed
Hw:  essay draft

NO School

5th period
Persuasive techniques
“Letter to Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Banneker”
Primary and secondary source review
Hw:  TOAT finish the novel by Thursday

Continue Benjamin Banneker and Thomas Jefferson
Hw:  Writing piece

Persuasive writing:  What are the characteristics?
"Address:  First Women's Rights Convention"
Discussion questions:
Satire Intro.

Hw:  Reading in TOAT due tomorrow;  What would life be life if no one had fought for women?  (1 page)

Women's Rights continued
Satire Intro
Finish persuasive pieces in textbook
Begin Persuasive Essay in a day
Discuss TOAT
Hw:  What did you find interesting in Elizabeth Stanton's address?  Why do you think she reacted that way?  (1 page)  due Monday

Monday, October 31, 2011

November 1-November 4- -Have a Blessed week!

November, November, November, 
I hope you all are ready and excited about getting into quarter 2.  Quarter 1 flew by in the blink of an eye.  Please remember that we are going to be working even harder than we worked in quarter 1.   You will have homework most nights.  Some extra credit opportunities will come along at some point during the marking period.  Please remember that "dessert" is only for those who have attempted all of their regular assignments. 

Please note that these are the assignments for 5th period only. My other classes will appear further down the blog, so keep going...
                                                      5th period ONLY
Tears of A Tiger is your Independent reading piece.  I expect you to read every single night.  The novel should be finished by November 10.  Assignments will be assigned for TOAT, AND your reading quizzes will come from your assigned readings.  Pgs 61-120 are due Tuesday, November 8. 
1.     What issues are beginning to emerge in the reading, Tears of a Tiger?
2.    List and discuss issues like:  depressions, underage drinking, guilt, fear, physical and mental pain
3.  What are some pros and cons to the novel so far?

4.    Read a nonfiction article “History of Hip Hop” 
Hw:  Tiered assignment due Thursday; “History of Hip Hop” due tomorrow


1.     Agree/Disagree Disagree/Strongly disagree (15 minutes)
2.    Memoirs (Define the term in notebook)
personal narratives (characteristics)
3.    Read some biographical incidents together, aloud
4.    On chart paper, we will look at similarities and differences that each memoirist used to maintain the interest of the readers
5.    Add attributes of a good story to our chart
6.  Reflection on quarter 1 (Due tomorrow)
Hw:   Tiered assignment due Thursday; Read in TOAT pages 61-90 by Friday.  Think about an incident from your own life that could be used for a memoir or a biographical incident; reread pages 33-34 in TOAT

1.     Tiered assignment due today     

Personal Essay vs Personal memoir (While the personal essay can be about almost anything, the memoir tends to discuss past events. Memoir is similar to the personal essay, except that the memoir tends to focus more on striking or life-changing events)
2.    Define "Profound"
Explain the 6 word memoir " Nothing profound, I just sat around."
Ernest Hemingway wrote the shortest short story in a bar, on a dare, that looked like this:

For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn
3.    Practice with 6 word memoirs
Student Examples
I only live to impress girls
Make believe is still my game
Waiting for my chance to explore

4.    How would you change the world if you could change it?
5.    Memoirs are moments of an author's life that illuminated something, brought to the foreground what was hidden in the recesses of the author's mind, raises consciousness.
6.    Think of experiences  you had that shed light on an idea.  Discussion topics for Gerald’s essay:  consider why Gerald included particular events and details, what those details suggest.
Hw:  finish 6 word memoir with pictures and color
1.    Frederick Douglass's Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
2.   Begin writing rough draft for personal memoirs (1 page memoir) about an experience where a major lesson plays a role.
Hw:  61-120

November 15, Independent Reading assignment due
We will begin "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Othello" after we've completed The Giver. These two plays will be read during the month of December.  Please go ahead and make plans to reserve them.  Check Ligon's library first.

Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7

November 1

Class time:
Tiered assignment- -due Thursday
Euphemisms  (The author creates a very unique world by having the characters use words in a very unique way.  As you read, make mental notes about how the characters use words to distance themselves from reality.  Use a “nice” word to say something…)
"detention" might be "mandatory after-school behavioral modification
George Carlin Euphemism
Check I.R. book signatures
Hw:  Euphemisms (as you read, make mental notes); Read Chapters 1-5 by Friday; you may bring in your comfort object if you wish; Tiered assignment Thursday

November 2

Euphemism (think pair share)
1.lying on a resume
2. cheating on a test
4. cheating the IRS
5. death penalty
6. failing to graduate from high school
7. flunking out of college
8. divorce
9. shoplifting
Predetermined job slips
Song 2112 by Rush
Hw:  Tiered assignment; I. R. one pager (Nov 15)

 Memoir Introduction
Nonfiction articles
Agree/ strongly agree disagree/strongly disagree
Hw:  Read in novels; I.R. one pager (Nov 15)
1.     Define Memoir
2.    The Giver reading quiz/discussion
3.    Define "Profound"
Explain the 6 word memoir " Nothing profound, I just sat around."
Ernest Hemingway wrote the shortest short story in a bar, on a dare, that looked like this:

For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn
4.     Read Frederick Douglass excerpt from his memoir
Hw:  6 word memoir; Pose 10 Blooms Taxonomy questions from F.D. reading