Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Welcome back to school!

Welcome to our classroom page!

7th Grade

English Class Supplies for Mrs. Greene  2013-2014
1.  2 inch 3-ring binder
2.  5 dividers/tabs- -reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, graded assignments
3.  loose leaf notebook paper
4.  Black/blue ink (Use a pen or lose ten!)  No pencil
5.  3 hi-lighters (any color)

Hi there,

This is where you will look to view upcoming assignments.  This year promises to be fun and challenging for us all.  You will be expected to consult this website frequently to view assignments, upload assignments, post responses to literature, engage in discussions with your peers, etc., etc.  This page will be updated weekly (Sunday nights-fingers crossed!).  Please note, however, that the best way to know exactly when assignments are due is to consult the homework board in our classroom. 

Parents, I need you to email me at my school address with your student's name and class period, in the subject line, so I can add you to my weekly email list, which will also spell out due dates, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, tutorials, etc.  Your student will be required to read and write a lot this school year; two independent reading (I.R.) assignments will be due each marking period.  Parent signatures will be required on each I.R. rubric, which will be sent home every 2 1/2 school weeks.

Parents, if you already know that your student has a track record of handing assignments in late or not at all, then please, please send me a weekly email on Fridays, inquiring about your student's school week.  It is easy for me to send back a quick electronic note letting you know exactly how well your student's week was, or I can let you know what needs to be completed over the weekend for late credit.  It is so much easier and better for us to work together to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your student's academics.

There will be some class novels that you may have to either purchase or get from the public library.  My goal is to expose your student to as much quality and diverse literature as possible.  In some cases, I will do a class scholastic book order for novels, which tends to save a few bucks for my students.  When students need to get novels on their own, I will give you at least a month's notice; no surprises!

Homework will be assigned almost every night during the school week.  Please monitor your student's written work.  If a written assignment is not given, then your student should be reading a minimum of 30 minutes each night.  If a computer is needed to complete an online discussion and/or assignment, then your student must make time during the school day to use a school computer.  I arrive at school early, and I leave late.

All assignments completed outside of class must be typed or neatly written in black or blue ink; no pencil allowed for assignments that will be collected for a grade.  

I'm very excited about this school year and working with you to create a successful 7th grade experience.


Mrs. G