Monday, January 3, 2011

Cloning Webquest- -Wednesday and Friday

Cloning Webquest
Cloning is a major topic in THOTS.  I want you to conduct some independent research of your own on cloning before we get into the text.  Before you participate in a later "You Be the Scientist" activity, you will need to explore the topic to gain more insight.  There are some links below that will be helpful to you.  You are encouraged to find websites of your own to help in your research.  Please use caution when surfing the web.  Your task is to find answers to the following questions and type your responses: 
  • What is cloning?
  • How has cloning started?
  • How is cloning done?
  • Are there different kinds of cloning?  If so, what are they?
  • Which animals have been cloned so far?
  • What are the potential benefits of cloning?
  • What are the potential risks of cloning?

You can use the following links to help start your research:

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