Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TOAT blog post period 2

Hi there,
Use this blog to respond to the following:  Tears of a Tiger begins with a tragic accident- a fatal car crash caused by drinking and driving. The story is then told from the points of view of the group of friends involved, with no narrator present.
a.How does this method of telling the story affect the reader’s experience and response? Give specific sections of the book that are especially affected.
b.What advantages and disadvantages does this method of narration offer?
c.Think about Draper’s purpose in writing this book. How does her choice to leave out a narrator accomplish this purpose? Was it an effective choice?

1 comment:

  1. The Bear and the Dragon
    Kento Yamamoto
    Tom Clancy
    2-5-11 Pgs Read: 30
    Identification and interpretation of conflict/s

    Well I am identifying the conflict in the beginning of the book. The conflict is Sergey Nikolay'ch Golovko and Anatoliy (driver/ ex. Spetsnaz spec ops soldier) are driving to work. They get caught by morning traffic at a busy square. When they are stopping near an alley a dump truck is stopped. A man rolls up from the ground holding a RPG-7. Sergey notices him and shouts at he driver to move. Then a puff of smoke comes out of the RPG. The RPG hits another White Mercedes and explodes. The person was trying to assasinate Sergey, but failed when the RPG hit the car in front of him.


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