Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Vocabulary pgs 1-91 (vocabulary due Friday)
Eejit p20               Clone p26                            Bandido               Disconsolate                      Vain                       Taunt
Sullen                    Trundle                                                Solitude               Cache’                                  Rummage           Bristly
Dung                     Contemplated                   Instinctively        Disarray                                Wail                 Intrusion
Delusion              Bury                                       Typhoid                Fortress                               Revulsion      Excursions
Impassively        Guileless                              Tentatively         Theoretically                      Capitalist      Ravenously
Chapters 1-9  Put each response in a complete sentence.
1.       Why do you think the author included “Cast of characters” in the beginning?
2.       What do you think scorpions have to do with the story?
3.       Do you think it was a good idea for Emilia to bring Maria back to see Matt, after Emilia’s first encounter with him?
4.       Judge Matt’s decision to jump out of the window onto the broken glass.
5.       What is an eejit?
6.       What do you think about the scorpion in the doorway that Matt spied upon arriving to the Big House?
7.       Determine why Emilia believed she was the best person to take care of Matt before the doctor arrived.
8.       Why was Matt different from the other kids?
9.       Select at least two things that Matt and Maria have in common with each other.
10.   Why aren’t charms needed in the Big House?
11.   Describe a chupacabra.
12.   Choose one reason why Matt liked Maria so well.
13.   Determine the reason behind the story of La Llorona.
14.   Predict El Patron’s role in the story.
15.   What event(s) led Rosa to loathe Matt?
16.   Is Matt in some ways forced to behave like an animal?  Defend your answer.
17.   What changes did Rosa make to Matt’s cage as a form of punishment? 
18.   Judge her decision to make those changes.
19.   Do you think luring the bugs and insects was a good thing or a bad thing?  Explain.
20.   How would you feel if you were placed into Matt’s position?  What did he do to deserve such treatment?  (answer this based on your reading)
21.   Do you believe the feather from the dove was a sign?  What did it signify to Matt?
22.   What do you think about Matt referring to his cage as the “kingdom?”
23.   Why are people in Durango called “scorpions?”
24.   How would you have handled being thrust into society after months of isolation?
25.   How does Matt react to his sudden societal change?
26.   Why is Matt the most important person to El Patron?
27.   Do you think El Patron’s decision to choose bodyguards from another country is a wise decision?
28.   What is different about Matt’s teacher versus other teachers?
29.   Determine Matt’s reason behind wanting to excel in school.
30.   Make a prediction about why El Patrol was cloned.


  1. uggghhhh. Not sure if I should start this yet. Still got about three hours worth of studying for math. SCREW YOU, MID TERMS! BLAH!

  2. Is this really due friday?

  3. ant|syn


    So we need a picture for all words? Including dung?


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