Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 10-14

This promises to be a wonderful week at Ligon Middle School.  I hope you had a restful weekend!  This week we will continue our studies in our assigned novel.  We will read supplemental texts that consist of both fiction and nonfiction pieces.  You are expected to hand in assignments when they are due.  Please see me if you have concerns or need further guidance/information about my expectations.  We will continue to look at grammar and how it functions.  We will look at more dialect this week and its impact on literature.  Have a blessed week!

5th period

You should be completing the discussion questions in your packet for each assigned reading chapter.  Come to class prepared to discuss what you've read on your own.
1.      Monday
 SOAPSTONE - -nonfiction article
2.       myth
3.       “Coyote Steals the Sun and Moon”
4.       Coyote and Eagle are far from heroic. In fact, they show some human traits that are not appealing. Can we learn anything from such characters anyway? In 1 page response, explain why we can or cannot. Give examples from the myth to support your point of view.
5.       Review the intentional names given to Kino, Coyotito, Juana, La Paz

Hw:  Written response, due Wed.  See above!  SOAPSTONE due tomorrow


 The Pearl PPT presentation
2.       Listen to Chapter 5
3.       Look at nonfiction articles
4.       The Pearl parables questions

Hw:  Read chapters 4 and 5 by Friday; Coyote Steals the Sun and Moon Response; myth outline due Thursday (If it isn't neatly written out, then you will not participate during computer time.  You'll spend your time writing our outline.)

Collect homework
2.       “Why Waves Have White Caps” myth
3.       Modernizing a parable rough draft:
Write your own parable or myth.   Either select and modernize an adventure from The Pearl, or create one of your own.   Remember also that parables are told to teach truth or moral lessons.  Determine what lessons you will highlight and how the lesson will be emphasized.  Your parable must represent one of the seven deadly sins.  A myth is a made-up story that explains the existence of a natural phenomenon — such as where thunder comes from or why snow falls from the sky.  Some other examples are:  How the lion became the king of the jungle or How Zebras got black stripes.

Hw:  for myths:  Write a brainstorm “draft:”  Who are the characters, describe the setting, what is the conflict, how is the conflict resolved?; For parables:  Yours should make people understand why things should be done a certain way.  For instance, if you’re lazy in school, then your parable could be about a lazy student and a diligent one.  Later in life, the more dedicated student becomes more successful than the other one.

Computer lab; working on myth or parable
Hw:  Read ; packet questions


Computer lab working on myth or parable
Parables/myths are due at the end of class

 Hw:  Read; packet questions

Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7

Homework is light this week because I want to give you time to finish the novel, which must be completed by Friday.  Please don't take advantage!  If I suspect that you aren't using that time to read, then I will assign additional writing pieces to encourage you to stay on track.
According to statistics, by age 65, a person will have spent 9 years of his life watch t.v.!  Is this alarming to you?  A recent study that came out of California (UCLA) found that on average people between 15 years old and 24 years old read on average 10 minutes per day for please.  The same group of t.v. watchers watch an average of 2-2.5 hours of t.v. a day. 

 In today’s world, what would the world be like without books?  Would it matter?
2.       How does Montag take steps away from conformity? Who has he established an alliance with?  Is there any anxiety stirred up in the reader while reading part II?  What is the meaning behind the section’s title?
3.       Bright Phoenix intro PPT
4.       Kanye West allusions in his rap song

Hw:  Finish Part III of the novel. 

1.        Reading quiz Part II of F451
2.       Finish reading “Bright Phoenix”
ALLUSIONS part II due Friday.
Hw:  Finish reading part III; Allusions part II due Friday; Bring colored pencils/markers

 Read excerpt from an essay:  F451 and dystopian tradition
2.       Respond to it individually; then share in small groups
3.       Montag before/Montag after  (draw him)

Hw:  Finish the novel; BODY BIOGRAPHY

 Finish Montag sketch in groups  (Share Friday)

Hw:  Found Poem  due Monday;  
1.        Share sketches
2.       Discus part III
          Dystopia Tradition
         Essay assigned:  due Monday ?

Hw:  Found poem due Monday

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